Loose Wall Tile Repairs

Concerned about those loose or peaking tiles on your wall? Are you looking for a solution that won’t require you to replace every tile on the affected surface TRIM allows ust to work around any fixtures and fittings. No need to remove and refit fittings like shower screens , vanities, toilets and rails. Our Tile Reglue Injection Method (TRIM) takes the hassle out of repairing your defective wall tiles.

Our method is quick, inexpensive, and unobtrusive – there’s no mess to clean up afterwards, and no need to worry about mismatching tiles.

Bathrooms are back in service by the following day. This avoids the normal 2 weeks process of full demolition, rebuilding and replacement with new tiles.

Trim repair team on forklift
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A fraction of the cost of expensive tile replacement!

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Bathrooms are ready for use the very next day. Avoid the long process of tile replacement!

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Don’t worry about us having to remove fittings – there’s no need to cause further damage with TRIM!

Got Tiles that Need Attention? Contact us now!

Don’t let those loose, defective, and noisy tiles ruin your day – TRIM is here to help!
Why remove and replace? – Inject and save!