Loose Floor Tiles

Loose Wall Tiles

Tile Injection Services

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TRIM is the answer to your problems with loose, defective, and drummy tiles!

Drummy Tiles

Do you need a Drummy Tile repair expert? Here at TRIM we have experience in Drummy Tiles.

Drummy Tiles

Tile Reglue Injection Method

What makes T.R.I.M stand out as a market leader in tile rectification?

All of our franchised team members are qualified, licensed and insured contractors, and are guaranteed to provide the high-quality service you require.

Get the most out of your tiles – Injectabond, We offer a 10 year product Warranty so you don’t have to worry.

With 30 years of experience throughout Australia in providing high-quality tile rectification for domestic and commercial customers, TRIM has a proven track record in not only meeting, but exceeding expected service life – and is still going strong!
Guaranteed – Permanent – Tested to Australian Standards – Compliant

Our Solutions & Services

Loose Floor Tile Repairs

Don’t stress about those loose and creaky floor tiles, TRIM has you covered! Our hassle-free, simple repair method will positively refix your floor tiles without removal and in no time at all. Whether your tiles are inside or outside, in your bathroom or on your patio, our TRIM repair solutions will have them fixed quickly, cleanly, and cheaply! A permanent and guaranteed repair solution!

  • Our Tile Reglue Injection Method fixes your tiles in place without the need for expensive and messy replacement, minimising disruption to your home or business.
  • Not only is TRIM cheaper than full tile replacement, it’s quicker! Your floors will be ready for foot traffic again in just a few hours!
  • TRIM repairs are done without the need to move you out. No dust, No mess, No fuss!

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Tile being placed

Loose Wall Tile Repairs

Are loose wall tiles ruining your bathroom or making your splash-back unsightly? Wish there was an easier way to get them repaired without having to replace them out? There’s no need to bother with the hassle and high costs of full tile replacement – let us use our Tile Reglue Injection Method (TRIM) to fix your tiles in location. It’s cheap, clean, a permanent repair solution and will have your wall tiles back up to scratch in no time!

  • We use our super-flexible Injectabond adhesives, pressure injected underneath loose tiles and repair them in place – no need for messy, expensive and time-consuming replacement!
  • TRIM means you don’t have to worry about removing fittings around tiles like shower screens or vanities.TRIM repairs can be as low as 1/3 of the cost of traditional tile replacement!

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Tikes being repaired

Peaked and Tented Tiles

If you have a problem with peaked tiles and tented tiles, then TRIM has the ideal solution! Let us help you level out problematic peaked tiles and fully restore your tiled surface. Our methods safely relieve pressure build up causing peaked tiles, while ensuring your tiled area is saved without the need for costly replacements!

  • TRIM provides the ideal solution for tented, peaked, or pyramided tiles by relieving built up stress around peaked areas.
  • We carefully cut out, remove and relay peaked tiles before injecting surrounding loose tiles using TRIM – saving the tiled area and saving you money.
  • Broken or cracked tiles can be replaced with feature patterns, selected by you, when replacement tiles are not available. Saving the entire floor from costly replacement.
  • TRIM can also save peaked wall tiles. Releasing pressure, defying gravity and saving your wall tiles.

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lifted tiles next to blue pen
Our Solutions & Services

Don’t stress about those loose and creaky floor tiles, TRIM has you covered! Our hassle-free, simple repair method will positively refix your floor tiles without removal and in no time at all. Whether your tiles are inside or outside, in your bathroom or on your patio, our TRIM repair solutions will have them fixed quickly, cleanly, and cheaply! A permanent and guaranteed repair solution!

  • Our Tile Reglue Injection Method fixes your tiles in place without the need for expensive and messy replacement, minimising disruption to your home or business.
  • Not only is TRIM cheaper than full tile replacement, it’s quicker! Your floors will be ready for foot traffic again in just a few hours!
  • TRIM repairs are done without the need to move you out. No dust, No mess, No fuss!

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Tile being placed

Are loose wall tiles ruining your bathroom or making your splash-back unsightly? Wish there was an easier way to get them repaired without having to replace them out? There’s no need to bother with the hassle and high costs of full tile replacement – let us use our Tile Reglue Injection Method (TRIM) to fix your tiles in location. It’s cheap, clean, a permanent repair solution and will have your wall tiles back up to scratch in no time!

  • We use our super-flexible Injectabond adhesives, pressure injected underneath loose tiles and repair them in place – no need for messy, expensive and time-consuming replacement!
  • TRIM means you don’t have to worry about removing fittings around tiles like shower screens or vanities.TRIM repairs can be as low as 1/3 of the cost of traditional tile replacement!

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Tikes being repaired

Chipped tiles can be a blemish on an otherwise beautiful floor or wall – so let us help your old tiles regain their former lustre! You don’t need to incur the cost and effort of replacing those chipped tiles, our chip repair services will have them looking like new in a flash!

  • Our chip repair processes can closely match existing chip glazes, and even repair chips in tough materials like granite, marble, and limestone.
  • No need to worry about the time-consuming process of finding a replacement tile, let us repair your chipped tile in place!
  • Our Konig hard surface repair system allows us to colour match to your chipped tile with a hard wearing repair and finish. Especially when spares are NOT available!

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before and after cracked tile example

If you have a problem with peaked tiles and tented tiles, then TRIM has the ideal solution! Let us help you level out problematic peaked tiles and fully restore your tiled surface. Our methods safely relieve pressure build up causing peaked tiles, while ensuring your tiled area is saved without the need for costly replacements!

  • TRIM provides the ideal solution for tented, peaked, or pyramided tiles by relieving built up stress around peaked areas.
  • We carefully cut out, remove and relay peaked tiles before injecting surrounding loose tiles using TRIM – saving the tiled area and saving you money.
  • Broken or cracked tiles can be replaced with feature patterns, selected by you, when replacement tiles are not available. Saving the entire floor from costly replacement.
  • TRIM can also save peaked wall tiles. Releasing pressure, defying gravity and saving your wall tiles.

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lifted tiles next to blue pen

Why remove and replace? — Inject and save!

T.R.I.M services are available throughout Australia by fully licensed and insured contractors.

    Find your nearest T.R.I.M specialist

    Got Tiles that Need Attention? Contact us now!

    Don’t let those loose, defective, and noisy tiles ruin your day – TRIM is here to help!
    Why remove and replace? – Inject and save!