Tiling can be pretty fiddly and time-consuming work, which is why it’s often best left to professionals. There are likely to be many tile companies in your local area to choose from. But just which one is right for the job?

Choosing the right professional could be important for making sure that the work is done to a high standard – you don’t want to end up with drummy tiles or messy grouting. At the same time, you’ll likely have a budget to stay within. All in all, you’ll need to weigh up a few different factors. This post lists some of the important checks to make when picking a tile company.


Tile projects can vary a lot in cost depending on the size of the project and the type of tiles you’re installing. Most tile companies will charge somewhere between $9 and $65 per square foot. At the bottom end of this scale, you can expect the cheapest tiles available arranged in very basic patterns. At the top end of this scale, you should expect natural stone tiles and the option of more complicated patterns. 

Most tile companies will be able to offer free quotes. By collecting a few different quotes, you can compare which company offers the cheapest rates. Be wary of suspiciously low quotes – it could be a sign that the quality is not up to scratch. Researching some of the factors below could help you to determine if a company is high quality enough.


Every tile company has to start somewhere. However, if you want to be sure that a company knows what they’re doing, you’re better off looking for a tile company with some experience. Some tile companies will have photographic evidence of past work they’ve done on their website or social media pages. If a company has been running for several years, it’s also usually a sign that they have a lot of experience.

If you cannot find information on their experience on their site, don’t be afraid to ask them about their experience over the phone. 


a blue and pink background with yellow stars

The quality of a tile company’s reviews can be a good indicator as to how reliable they are. Do they have lots of positive reviews? Are these positive reviews recent? If the answer to both of these is ‘yes’, you know that they’re likely to be a company you can trust.

Avoid companies that have more negative than positive reviews. You may also want to be wary of companies that have no reviews. You can find company reviews on sites like Google, Facebook and Yelp. 


A trusted tiling company should ideally have some certification. There are a few different certificates to look out for, however some of the most popular and trusted examples include:

  • Certified Tile Installer (CTI) through the Ceramic Tile Education Foundation
  • Advanced Certifications For Tile Installers (ACT)
  • UofCTS Certified Tile Specialist (CTS)

Check that a tiling company has at least one of these certificates before choosing to hire them. Most tiling companies will provide such information on their website. If you cannot find this information, don’t be afraid to ask. 


It could be worth looking for a company that offers a warranty. If you notice issues with your tiles after installation – such as lifting tiles or cracks – a warranty will ensure that you are liable for free repairs or a full refund on the project. 

Warranties could last anywhere from a few months to a few years. You will usually be able to find information about them on a company’s website. If you cannot find any information on warranties, it could be worth enquiring about it over the phone.

Most companies that offer a warranty do so because they are confident with their ability to produce long-lasting good quality results. If a tile company does not offer a warranty, it could be because they are less certain of their ability. 


It’s worth finding out exactly what services a tiling company provides. Some tiling companies will focus solely on indoor tiling projects, while others may carry out outdoor tiling projects like patios. Depending on the company, they will be able to supply the tiles for you, while others will solely provide installation. However companies may be comfortable working with a range of tile materials and may be able to carry out an array of complicated patterns, while others may only work with basic materials and patterns. 

Determine the exact nature of your project so that you know exactly what type of company to look for.