General wear and tear, accidents or even criminal damage can put an end to many things. But your flooring, especially tiles, is expensive. So here’s a rundown of why you should repair them over buying new ones with some tile repair hacks from industry professionals.

  • Why Tiles Need Repairing
  • Repairing is Often Better than Replacing
  • Easy Tile Repair Methods That Work
    • The Tile Reglue Injection Method
    • Patch and paint hairline cracks
    • Easy tile repair with nail polish
  • What We Can Do for You


A cracked tile at home can look unsightly and annoy you. At your business, it can make you appear unprofessional and unkempt. But you needn’t worry because you can hire expert tile repair services to repair rather than replace or attempt a quick, professional repair yourself.

Why Tiles Need Repairing

Tiles are generally very tough and won’t break easily. After all, they are made for walking on, taking weight and hot and cold temperature exposure. But with everything they are exposed to, they will eventually crack. Too much force from something hitting them is usually the culprit. Such as dropping something weighty. Most tiles are made from porcelain, while others are slate or stone. And as strong as these are, fine hairline cracks will appear as a result of an impact. Additionally, the binding materials underneath and between tiles degrade and come loose.

Repairing is Often Better than Replacing

Tiles are mostly impact-resistant and are designed to last a very long time. Quality tiles made from ceramic, granite or marble will last between 75 to 100 years plus if looked after. However, no matter how well you treat your tiles, cracks will happen. But in almost all cases, it’s better and much cheaper to repair them rather than replace them. And even if you do want to replace a tile, it can be quite a challenge to find an exact match. In addition, some designs are limited, and the colours fade over time. Therefore, it makes more sense to repair a tile, if possible, rather than replace it.


Easy Tile Repair Methods that Work

Tiles break all the time, and there’s nothing you can do to stop it. Fortunately, there are many tile repair methods that you either do yourself or have an expert perform. If you are handy with DIY, then go ahead and give it a go. Otherwise, any tile repair expert is more than happy to come on over and restore your beautiful tile work to its former glory. All but the most damaged tiles can be repaired in almost every case. Again, there are many methods, but here are some of the quickest, easiest and most effective tile repair jacks that industry insiders use.

The Tile Reglue Injection Method (TRIM)

The most effective method of tile repair is the Tile Reglue Injection Method (TRIM). Still, it’s also the most professional way to repair a tile. TRIM is a hassle-free way to fix loose floor tiles with minimal disruption at your home or business. The trademark quick and easy tile repair system works by using Injectabond to replace degraded binding materials underneath the tiles when they come loose. The method is super fast, with no dusty work. Further, there’s a 10-year warranty, 25 years service life and costs up to 75% less than standard tile replacement.

Patch and paint hairline cracks

The truth is that hairline cracks are inevitable in most tiles, especially ceramic ones. The issue occurs because of how they are made and can’t be avoided in most cases. However, you can easily disguise them by patching and painting. You can clean the tile thoroughly before applying clear epoxy to fill the crack. Smooth it out and let it dry immediately. Once dry, remove any excess and smooth it out. Then it’s simply a case of finding the closest-matching paint. You’ll need oil or urethane-based paint for painting over epoxy with a fine-detail paintbrush.

Easy tile repair with nail polish

If you are stuck on time or don’t have the means to source the materials required, you probably have what you need at home. And this method works well for cracks larger than hairline. First, apply some wood glue over the tile crack, and smooth it out over the gaps. Then, try finding nail polish that matches the tile colour and carefully paint over the cracks. Be careful not to apply excess nail polish. After 20 minutes, check to see if it’s dry. If dry, use standard nail polish remover to clean up any excess nail polish around the crack with a cotton swab.

What We Can Do for You

Tile replacement is expensive, and repairing is usually a better option. Contact us now for the best tile repair business in Brisbane. We offer quick, no-hassle loose tile repair using our trademark Injectabond TRIM method, leaving you with stunning results at a fraction of the cost.