Lifting tile for TRIM installations during Australia’s summer heat requires careful planning to ensure efficiency and safety. But what should you be doing, exactly? 

That’s the question this post answers. It explores useful tips for efficient tile lifting when the weather gets hot. Here’s what to do: 


Schedule Work During Cooler Hours


The best approach is to schedule work during cooler hours, such as early morning or late afternoon, to avoid the harsh midday sun. Temperatures at these times can be up to 20°C lower than at midday.

For example, you might start working at 5 A.M. and continue until 9:30 A.M. before the sun is high in the sky. Then, you could wait until 5 P.M. before resuming and continuing working until 9:00 P.M. for a full eight-hour shift. 

You could also schedule work for the evening. For example, you could start at 6 P.M. and finish at 2 A.M. (with the proper worksite lighting). 

Don’t underestimate the power of working when the weather is cooler. You’ll feel more energised and able to get more done than if you’re constantly battling the heat in the middle of the day. 


Use The Right Tile Lifting Equipment


Using the right lifting equipment, such as vacuum lifters or ergonomic tools, is another way to cope with the summer heat. Leveraging these technologies reduces strain and improves efficiency substantially, allowing you to get more done. 

The reason for this relates to the amount of physical effort you have to put into the process. When you try to do TRIM yourself, it forces you to use your muscles and generate heat. If the temperatures are above 25°C and the humidity is over 70%, you can find yourself dripping in sweat within minutes, putting you at risk of heat stroke. 

By contrast, lifting equipment does this hard work for you. Instead of relying on your muscles, you’re relying on machine power. 


Stay Hydrated


Staying hydrated and taking frequent breaks is also essential to prevent heat-related exhaustion. When heat and humidity are high, the body loses water at a much faster rate. 

If you’re doing heavy TRIM work, you could lose a litre of fluid from your body every hour or more in high-heat environments. Because of this, it is essential to replace this lost moisture. If you don’t, you could end up with headaches and disorientation. 

Be sure to keep plenty of chilled water with you. Icy drinks are best because they can lower your temperature from the inside, reducing the effect of the day’s heat on your body. Furthermore, they can reduce the need to sweat, helping you remain more hydrated. 

If you are doing a lot of physical work for a long time during the day, take an electrolyte drink with you. These replenish lost salt stores due to sweating, keeping you sharp and feeling good throughout the day. 


Work In Teams

Additionally, working in teams helps distribute the load, making the process quicker and safer. Getting your colleagues to help you and specialising in specific tasks reduces the amount of running around you need to do. 

TRIM (the Tile Reglue Injection Method) breaks down into several stages. For example, you could have one team member cleaning the grout lines while another drills holes into the tiles’ surface to access the voids below. Then a third colleague could inject a high-bond adhesive or epoxy resin into the hole using the syringe. 

When you turn TRIM into a conveyor belt, it helps everyone. People can keep roughly the same positions and use advanced tools to help them do everything while expending less energy. Furthermore, they can get the work done faster, which is helpful when summer temperatures are soaring. 


Protect Tiles From Excessive Heat

Lastly, we recommend finding ways to protect tile from excessive heat. 

The most obvious method is to keep them in the shade until you need them. Storing them inside (but not in a vehicle) keeps them out of the sun and cooler than they would be if on the work site. 

If you don’t have storage buildings nearby, use tarps. These prevent damage and protect materials from the worst of the sun’s rays. 

By following these tips, tile lifting for TRIM projects can be much more manageable, even in the intense summer heat. By adopting a few smart strategies you can expend less effort and get more done in the same amount of time.