Tile Repair v Tile Replacement. If you have tiles in your home, then it’s essential that you are looking after them to the best of your ability. To be completely honest with you it’s not too hard to do this as long as you know what you should be doing, how often and so on. This ensures that not only do your tiles look amazing, but also that they stand the test of time. 


However, sometimes things go wrong and you need to repair or replace some/all of the tiles in your home. When this happens, you have got to make a decision about what is going to be best for you, but this can be a tough call. In this article, we’re going to be taking a look at some of the facts surrounding whether you should repair. Or replace your tiles when things start to go wrong. Keep reading if you’re interested!

When To Consider Tile Repair

If you have a smaller issue, then it might be worth repairing the tile rather than opting for a replacement. For example, if you have a single crack in a single tile, you should be able to fill this with epoxy and then that’s sorted. We are aware that some people don’t like the way that this looks and they feel as though it makes it look odd. But it’s a small fix, and it hardly seems worth replacing the tile over a small crack. The same can be said for a tile that is chipped, that can be easily filled in with something like epoxy.


It might be the case that you are experiencing grout related issues. If they are not too serious then you might just want to look at a repair instead of a replacement. It might be the better option to simply regrout the tiles as a whole, rather than having to replace them.

When To Consider Tile Replacement

There are a few different occasions in which you may want to consider a tile replacement. For example, if you have multiple cracked tiles, then you may need to think about replacing all of them while you’re at it. Just so that they are all new and shiny. If you spend time repairing multiple tiles. Then they are going to last longer than the others, and you are constantly going to be repairing random tiles.


If you have loose tiles or grout problems that have been caused by some sort of significant water damage or structural damage. Then it’s worth replacing the whole thing. This way, you can check what is going on underneath. Also fix any issues that might be lingering there before you lay down anything new.

Tile Repair V Replacement: Difference In Cost

Of course, there is quite a big price difference when it comes to repairing and replacing. Repairing is going to be quite significantly cheaper as there is much less to do than a complete replacement. To replace one or more tiles, you are going to end up paying far more than you would. Even if you had to have multiple tiles repaired. However, the way that you need to think about it is that if you are going to have to constantly be repairing various tiles. Is this going to add up to more than it would cost to simply have them replaced? You will only know this by looking at your individual situation. 

Tile Repair V Replacement: What Is More Time Efficient?

Another consideration that you are going to make is which is going to be the most time efficient. If you’re going to be doing this yourself then you need to sit down and really think about how long this is going to take. But even if you hire a professional you need to consider how much time you have to get this done. It’s inconvenient to your home if the tiles have to be taken up and replaced because this can take a few days depending on how much work there is to be completed. 

Again though, is it going to take you longer in the long-run to be continuously repairing tiles than it would be to have them all changed?

Environmental Impact Of Both Options

Of course, repairing tiles instead of replacing them will reduce waste and conserve resources, so where possible. It’s always going to be better for the environment if you are able to repair rather than replace. This is not to say though that if you need a replacement you don’t get one. You need to do what is best for you when considering all of the various factors that we have discussed in this article. Not just one or another.